The Anganwadi Services is one of the flagship programmes of the Government of India and represents one of the world’s largest and unique programmes for early childhood care and development.

The objectives of the Scheme are to improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age-group of 0-6 years; lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child; reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropouts; achieve effective coordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development; and enhance the capability of the mother to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education.

Following Sub-schemes concerned with nutrition have been brought under “Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0”:


Anganwadi Services


Scheme for Adolescent Girls


POSHAN Abhiyaan 

Under the Scheme a package of following six services is provided to the beneficiaries:


Supplementary Nutrition (SNP)


Pre-school Non-formal Education


Nutrition & Health Education




Health Check-up, and


Referral Services

Three of the six services, viz., Immunization, Health check-up and Referral Services are related to health and are provided through National Health Mission & Public Health Infrastructure.

The Scheme operates through a network of 7074 fully operational Projects and 1.39 million Anganwadi Centers (AWCs). The services are currently being provided to 95.13 million beneficiaries of which 77 million are children under six and 18 million are pregnant women & lactating mothers. Since its inception, 30.317 million children of 3-6 years have been covered under pre-school education of which 15.466 million are boys and 14.851 million are girls.

Scheme for Adolescent Girls

Under Saksham Anganwadi & Poshan 2.0, the Scheme for Adolescent Girls (AGs) has been revised and the targeted beneficiaries now are adolescent girls in the age group of 14 to 18 years in Aspirational Districts of States.

1. Objective of the Scheme: The Scheme will address the inter-generational problem of malnutrition by focusing on adolescent girls keeping in view the life cycle approach. The revised scheme aims at providing nutritional support to adolescent girls [14-18 years] for improving their health and nutritional status under the nutrition component and providing them Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation, health check-up, referral service, nutrition & health education, etc. under non-nutrition component of the Scheme.

2. Nutritional Benefits under the Scheme: Supplementary nutrition containing 600 calories, 0.63 -0.7 ounces of protein and micronutrients is provided to AGs in the form of Take-Home Ration (THR) for 300 days in a year.

3. For providing services under the non-nutrition component, convergence with related Line Ministries is the key for achieving holistic and overall development of the AGs. Under this scheme convergence with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, etc has been proposed.

POSHAN Abhiyaan


Background of POSHAN Abhiyaan

PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment (POSHAN) Abhiyaan, is a flagship scheme to improve nutritional outcomes for children, adolescents, pregnant women and lactating mothers. The Abhiyaan was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 8thMarch, 2018. POSHAN Abhiyaan is a multi-ministerial convergence mission with the vision to ensure attainment of malnutrition free India by 2022. The Abhiyaan provides a platform to converge the activities of various stakeholders towards attaining the goal of ‘Suposhit Bharat’. Under POSHAN Abhiyaan the high impact interventions of various Ministries/Departments have been mapped-out, especially during the first 1,000 days of child life since conception. Each Ministry/Department prepares an action plan related to nutrition and explains how they can integrate it in their ongoing activities.


Goals of POSHAN Abhiyaan
The goals of POSHAN Abhiyaan are to achieve improvement in nutritional status of Children from 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers in a time bound manner with fixed targets.


Coverage of the Abhiyaan
The Abhiyaan has been rolled-out in all States and UTs. It covers all districts including 112 Aspirational Districts.


Key components of the Abhiyaan

  1. Convergence

  2. Use of technology

  3. Community Mobilization and Behavioral Change

  4. Jan Andolan

  5. Capacity Building

  6. Incentives and Awards

  7. Innovation


Component wise details on the status of implementation are as under


Convergence: Different Ministries/Departments at the Centre and States/UTs deal with varied interventions required for reduction of malnutrition in a stand-alone manner. POSHAN Abhiyaan ensures convergence of various programmes of different Ministries. The Chief Secretary in the State/UT chairs the Convergence Action Plan (CAP) meetings on quarterly basis. DC/DMs also hold CAP meetings on a quarterly basis.

Ministries converging under POSHAN Abhiyaan: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, NITI Aayog, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Education (Department of School Education and Literacy), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of AYUSH, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

Ministries have issued several joint guidelines/advisories to the States and UTs to deal with the issue of malnutrition in a holistic way.


Use of Technology

POSHAN Tracker:

The Ministry of WCD has conceptualized and launched a digital platform, viz., “Poshan Tracker", a mobile based application which is an overarching system, providing facilities, services and inter-linkages, and thereby also promotes real time data with analytics. Poshan Tracker management application provides a 360-degree view of the activities of the Anganwadi Centre (AWC), service deliveries of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and complete beneficiary management for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children. The system also enables real-time monitoring and tracking of all AWCs, AWWs and beneficiaries on the defined indicators including identification of stunting, wasting, under-weight prevalence among children and last mile tracking of nutrition service delivery.

The application also offers learning material including counseling videos on key behaviors and services which help to disseminate messages on birth preparedness, delivery, PNC, breastfeeding and complementary feeding.   The Abhiyaan empowers the frontline functionaries i.e., Anganwadi workers and Lady Supervisors by providing them with smartphones.The Poshan Tracker is a job-aid to the Anganwadi worker for efficient delivery of services along with reflection of their efforts.

Developed by the National e-Governance Division, the app helps record real-time data about the vital statistics of newborns, children up to the age of six, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers and is available in 22 languages.

Category wise beneficiaries registered under Poshan Tracker.

Beneficiaries’ unique ID (Aadhaar) is also being captured to ensure last mile tracking and delivery of services. As on date, close to 85.63% of beneficiaries registered on the Poshan Tracker have been linked with their Aadhaar ID.

Coverage and Roll–out of ICT Application:

Under Poshan Abhiyan, a digital revolution was ushered in when the Anganwadi worker was empowered with mobile devices.  1.122 million Smartphones have been provided to the Anganwadi workers.

Growth monitoring:

Anganwadis are also equipped with following four growth monitoring devices:

  • Infantometer: This device is used for measuring the length of an infant in a recumbent position.

  • Stadiometer: This device is designed to measure height of adults and children aged 24 months and above in a vertical position.

  • Weighing Scale-Infant: This is a spring type mechanical scale for infants with a measuring range: 0-55 Pounds.

  • Weighing Scale-Mother & Child: This is an electronic weighing scale of class -III accuracy with LCD/LED or VFD display which is used to measure the weight in a digital format. It has a measuring range of 0-120 Kilograms (0-264.5 pounds).


Community Mobilization and Behavioral Change:

The Abhiyaan is focusing on converting the agenda of improving nutrition into a Jan Andolan through involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions (Rural Local Self Governance bodies)/Villages Organizations/Self Help Groups/volunteers etc. and ensuring wide public participation. States/UTs are carrying out Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities on a regular basis.

Organization of Community Based Events (CBEs): In order to strengthen processes for community engagement, empowerment of beneficiaries and increased social accountability of ICDS, the POSHAN Abhiyaan provides for the organization of Community Based Events (CBEs) twice in a month on a fixed day of week by each Anganwadi Centre. Under Community Based Events, AnnaprasanDiwas, SuposanDiwas (specifically focused on orienting husbands), Celebrating coming of age- getting ready for pre-school at AWC, Messages related to public health for improvement of nutrition and to reduce illness. Approximately, 37 million CBEs have been conducted since the launch of POSHAN Abhiyaan.


Jan Andolan (People’s Movement) activities under POSHAN Abhiyaan (Campaign)

The Abhiyaan is India’s resolve to accelerate improvements in the nutrition of children, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers. It aspires to reduce stunting, under-nutrition, low birth weight and anaemia. POSHAN Abhiyaan on one hand seeks to synergize efforts of key stakeholders by leveraging technology to achieve the desired goals and on the other, intends to convert nutrition awareness into a Jan Andolan. Anchored by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Abhiyaan is envisioned to be a ‘Jan Andolan’ and a ‘Jan Bhagidaari’ meaning ‘People’s Movement’. Approaches to fortify Jan Andolan include strengthening convergence, community engagement, advocacy, partnerships, and promoting usage of transmedia.

To focus on nutrition, increase awareness on good nutrition practices and behaviours, POSHAN Abhiyaan reach out to the masses through the nation’s biggest nutrition-centric annual Jan Andolans, in the form of Poshan Maahs (a month-long campaign held in September) and Poshan Pakhwadas (a fortnight-long campaign held in designated weeks of March). Until now, Five ‘Rashtriya Poshan Maah’ and five ‘Poshan Pakhwada’, have been held with astounding reach and results. Key activities which include Poshan Melas, Rally on nutrition at all level, Prabhat Pheree, Session on nutrition at schools, Self-Help Group meetings, Anemia camps, growth monitoring of children, home visits of newborn babies by Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) & AWW, Village Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Day (VHSND), Community Based Events (CBE) etc. are carried out.

Best Practices under Poshan Abhiyaan


Extensive Drive for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)/ Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) Identification by Meghalaya

The state has started an extensive drive for identification and tracking of SAM and MAM children across the state. Independent review by the State has shown that from September 2020 to February 2021, the state has attained 93% SAM and 97% MAM recovery rate (unpublished data).


Mobile Nutri-garden in urban areas of Telangana

To provide access to iron rich fresh leafy vegetables to ICDS beneficiaries using limited space, Telangana has introduced Mobile Nutri Gardens in Urban centers as an alternative to open gardens. For this purpose tubs made of Fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) material – which are lightweight, with high strength and toughness, corrosion resistant, durable, and non-conductive, are being used.


Mahua ladoos to PW&LM in tribal areas in Chhattisgarh;

  • Chhattisgarh Herbals Mahua Laddoo is made by Women Self Help Groups in Chhattisgarh

  • 100% Natural Forest Product

  • Prepared from Food Grade Mahua Flowers collected hygienically

  • Support Forest and tribes.


“Suposhan Panchayat” in Bihar

With an aim to disseminate awareness on health and nutrition members of village health sanitation and nutrition committee (VHSNC) and public are encouraged to participate in Poshan panchayat to discuss the ongoing activities, health and nutrition education, and remedial measures being taken.


Mukhya Mantri Doodh Uphaar Yojna Haryana

To improve the health and nutritional status of children and mothers and to improve the attendance of children in AWCs, 200 ml of reconstituted fortified skimmed milk in six flavours i.e rose, elaichi, chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch and plain for six days in a week is distributed to the beneficiaries.


Saksham- A Reference Manual for Anganwadi workers: Uttar Pradesh

To enhance the AWWs skills and capacities in delivering nutrition services with quality, a reference Manual for Anganwadi workers has been created with collective support of partners/academic institutions under Department’s guidance. It is a compilation of recent technical developments in the area of nutrition.


Mission Sampurna Poshan in Asifabad, Telangana:

The Program enabled local production and consumption of millets to address challenges of nutritional deficiency. Under the program, Food Festivals, Millet recipe trainings etc were conducted. To promote millets, subsidized seeds were distributed to 2500 households on a pilot basis. 80% of beneficiaries are now consuming millets.


Mera Bachccha Abhiyaan in Datia, Madhya Pradesh:

The problem of capacity gap in the family of a malnourished child was addressed under this initiative. The initiative aims at developing personal and emotional connect between an Adopter and a malnourished Child for speedy recovery through JAN BHAGIDARI.


Project Sampoorna in Bongaigaon, Assam:

Concept of ‘Buddy Mothers’ was introduced wherein two mothers formed a pair, one with a healthy child, the other with a malnourished child. They exchanged best practices and worked on diet charts to monitor the daily food intake of their children.


Capacity Building:

The Abhiyaan focuses on building the capacity of front-line ICDS functionaries in effective and consistent service delivery. Functionaries have been trained on thematic modules. More than 1 million workers have been trained. Frontline functionaries can learn using a mobile application through digital learning. A total 661 thousand field functionaries have been trained in this mode.